Part 64: Storming Redhorn Isle (Part 2)

CUTSCENE: The Weak Spot

And were back at it.

We also encounter another rift early on here on Redhorn Isle, just tucked out of the way on a branching path. A piece of the Elder armour for the Arc Knight lies hidden in here. But we dont need that because were cheating, so lets move on.

Eventually, we come to the entry point of Redhorn Isle Fortress itself, and predictably, its guarded by a couple of Magi soldiers, including up to two Magi Commanders, both of whom can transform into Gigases upon their deaths.


Yada yada yada, Adveni, yada yada yada

Again, Gigases arent THAT big of a concern, especially now that youve got your Knights back in full force.
So lets try that again and see what happens now.

Wait. Whats this?


Um . Wow. Well, this is an improvement.
Knight design c/o: Magnus Ragnar and thread vote.

And so thanks to

So were getting a preview here of some post-game powers, such as the Albarans Earth Soul skill.

Its a super-powerful area-of-effect earth elemental magic attack. So of course because its on a weapon that we shouldnt even have right now, it absolutely annihilates the gigas.


And were moving on

Caesar: best party member? Or best party member?

So you can see here the Zore Crystals laid out on the map here. Theres one in the far north of the fortress, one in the far south, and one across the gorge between the two halves of the fortress in the far east side.

They seem deceptively close to where we are now, but the doors are strategically locked across the fortress to ensure we need to take the long way around and do a bit of obtuse platforming to get to each crystal.

And of course, inside is swarming with Magi mooks. Well, theres one way to deal with them.
Uber Arc Knight, come on down

Well, the ah glitches with the Arc Knight seem to work themselves out by the time we enter the fortress proper, allowing us to continue messing up the Magi without any more interesting hiccups.


And then John was a Gigas.

Green on Green violence.

But you might be able to unlock it from the other side
AKA: Lol! Take the hard way, n00b!

You can, realistically, take out the crystals in any order you want, but it makes the most sense to go North, South, and then East, as it puts you in line to head to the area boss of the island in the north on the other side of the gorge from the first crystal.

So from here we need to go out on these little ledges, each of which are loaded with soldiers. Theres not much room on them, but luckily, theres no risk of you falling off them, barring one specific point on each othem.

And that point is right here, a very blatantly denoted stretch where the chain barrier opens up, allowing you to drop down to the path below.


You can see all these various cool bits in the background here. This is the one area, along with the Lost Forest, where Level-5 actually pushed the Effort Button in the game. This is the reason they had you rerun every other area and do the Balandor Castle Waterway three straight times: they were saving money to make Redhorn Isle.

More Caesar is Best Caesar.
This is also the door leading to the area of the first Zore Crystal.

Inside the fortress of course are more soldiers and Gigas-transforming traps soldiers.

Case in point. However, like I said earlier, theyre very easy to take out now even on foot.

Lets whack Zore Crystal #1.

MINIBOSS BATTLE: Redhorn Isle Zore Crystals (all three - no commentary)

On point for this one is the Arc Knight.

We meet again, Zore Crystal Mk. II.

The Zore Crystal Mk. II is vulnerable to both impact and stabbing attacks, so that means, in theory, all three of our usable Knights are perfectly suited to taking them down no problem.

Oh god YES! 4-digit damage!

And then it broke.

Crystal #2. The Dragon Knights on point for this one.

So in the antechamber before the first Zore Crystal, theres a chest containing the ultimate story weapon for the Dragon Knight, Lagus-Guine. You saw the Blind Sally Special wielding the generic free DLC version of it, Dragonfang, earlier in the chapter.

As you can see, the Lagus has a slightly different moveset from the Dragonfang down on the Command Bar.

Of course theres the old favourites, Thrust, Slash, Counter Spear, Wyrm Dace, and Healers Soul. But theres two more new skills on the bar now.

The one on the extreme right is Dragoon's Rage, a buff that raises the Dragon Knights attack stat.

The other is Heaven Siege

Where the Dragon Knight hoists the spear high over its head

Charges it ups

And tosses it skyward.

And it comes down with a massive stabbing force.

A couple of Heaven Sieges later and Crystal #2 goes down like nothing.

So lets get moving then.

Oh Eldore Humour. Ive missed you. I really have.

Weve got to get across the gorge to make it to the final crystal, which involves crossing a bridge like this one across the lava river.
What weve got to do now involves jumping down all the way to the gorge floor and using a combination of elevators and platforms to get to the right bridge because the entire island is segmented into janky platforms and oneway drops.

We also encounter monsters out in the open too. Of course theyre all fire types.

Oh hey Mass Effect elevators, fancy meeting you here.

Note to self: Shoot Conrad Verner Again.


And of course theres another damn wyvern here.

Luckily, I have the Dragon Knight this time, so it goes down smooth, like the rich refreshing taste of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

I thought this was the chest we find Arslese in, but it turns out it wasnt. Id actually found it in a chest earlier in the fortress and missed it because Im playing with the Live Log turned off for the sake of screenshot aesthetics.

Crystal #3, and for completions sake, the Moon Maidens on point for this one.

I also want to point out the cool moving architecture in these crystal chambers. Both the ceiling and the floor have these sweet rotating structures like the halos on the Gardens in Final Fantasy VIII.

So lets smash em up something fierce then.

So we can see Arslese has a few new skills on it too. Hell, every skill on it is new compared to ElLiet.
Its also a blatant pallet swap of ElLiet, so once again, Yulie gets the shaft in the weapons department, no archery pun intended.

Arslese has all four Soul magic attacks, Flame Soul, Glacier Soul, Storm Soul, and Earth Soul, as previously modelled by Magnus Ragnars Knight.

Arslese has its various advantages and disadvantages over ElLiet. Of course the biggest pluses are the increased attack power and addition of the super-powerful AoE magic skills

However, its only got one physical attack (Luna Arrow) instead of two, so it loses its impact attack one. It also loses its AoE healing spell +Glittering Moonline and its AoE revival spell +Pale Moonlight in favour of the self-targeting Healer Soul and the AoE status effect nullification spell +Celestial Grace.
Also we lose Spirit Dance too, which would work rather well against an enemy that uses nothing but magic attacks like the Zore Crystal.

So when the Zore Crystal starts cycling through its elemental buffs and debuffs, I start laying into it with the elemental spells on the new bow, in this case Flame Soul.


Fun fact: I recorded this fight twice. The first time it happened, I realized Id picked up Arslese only after Id beaten the crystal and my last save was half an hour prior, because like a moron I didnt actually save at the Logic Stone the game provides right there in front of this boss chamber.
So I went back and did some pickup shooting with Arslese equipped on the Moon Maiden, and these shots are from the original run with ElLiet still equipped.

Because, hey, I didnt get the chance to show off +Pale Moonlight before.

And I also get to Spirit Dance the crystal to nerf its magic power.

And down it goes. 3 for 3.

CUTSCENE: Shutdown
So taking out the three Zore Crystals doesnt just shut down the Act of God

It pretty much shuts down the entire island.

In an instant, Redhorn Isles entire defensive battery array falls silent.

With the way forward clear, the Alliance fleet presses its advantage.



Told ya someones day was about to be ruined.

The ground assault fleet sails into the underground docks and tens of thousands of Balandor and Farian troops make landfall on Redhorn Isle.

We also get a glimpse of something interesting among the throng of soldiers: for every ten human soldiers theres at least one warg soldier too. Thats pretty cool that Balandors armed forces are both a racially and genderly inclusive organization. Though it would probably be better if we actually saw some warg soliders IN GAME, instead of having to pick them out of the background in a two-second long CG cutscene, but whatever, its Level-5, the only time they press the

So now we have to run to the central part of the fortress where Grazel, Ledom, and maybe Shapur, if the game remembers hes still a thing will be waiting for us, no doubt.

But whatever, weve got three kickass Knights at our disposal. That should be more than enough for whatever bullshit trap Grazels planning to spring on us Right?


Were so close now, I can hear the endgame calling. And were on a frickin roll too.
Alright guys, we can do this. Its just a straight shot to victory now. Were firing on all cylinders again now that weve removed the Leonard gunk from the engine. Nothing can possibly screw us up now.


CUTSCENE: No Good Can Come Of This
We return now to the U.S.S. SAY MY NAME / QUEEN CISNA / YOURE GODSDAMN RIGHT for some reason. I wonder why?
Theres a lot of soldiers running around, no doubt scrambling to find the right bottle of victory champagne Cisnas ordered them all break out, and a lot of incidental background chatter pertaining to invasion status updates that I dont feel like trying to transcribe because none of it is subtitled in the cutscene. Watch the video if youre interested.

And Leonard is sort of there too.



No. NOOOOO. You keep your stupid ass planted on that couch you ignorant fuck up twat. We are THIS close to ending this war. We dont need you jumping into the middle of it and accidentally causing Grazel to develop telekinesis or getting Kara re-murdered or bumping into the Act of God and turning it back on or something.


A bunch of soldiers cross paths in front of the camera Aaaaand


Cisnas Giant Fucking Moron sense tingles suddenly.

She looks to the vacant couch where Leonard was previously planted.

And then she turned around and strangled Evlee to death in a blind rage.
The end.

I fucking hate the stupid rube, I really fucking do
How could anyone be that stupid? ANYONE?!

- 14.1 The Lines Are Drawn
- 14.2 The Battle of Redhorn Isle I ~ The Queens Speech
- 14.3 The Battle of Redhorn Isle II ~ The Push
- 14.4 The Battle of Redhorn Isle III ~ The Act of God
- 14.5 The Battle of Redhorn Isle IV ~ The Plan
- 14.6 The Battle of Redhorn Isle V ~ The Landing
- 14.7 The Weak Spot
- 14.i - Redhorn Isle Zore Crystals Miniboss Battles
- 14.8 Shutdown
- 14.9 No Good Can Come Of This